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Call for paper at SEB20 conference

Immagine del redattore: BE S2ECUReBE S2ECURe

Aggiornamento: 6 lug 2020

A Special Session entitled “IS06 - Towards Sustainable Solutions to increase Built Environment Resilience and Safety” will be organized within the International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-20, which will take place on September 9-11, 2020, at Split, Croatia.

This session focuses on tools and methods to design a Sustainable Built Environment against disasters (i.e. both natural disasters as earthquakes, fires, flood, and human-made ones as terrorist acts). The main aims are disseminating knowledge about these issues, tracing the current state of the art in this research field, showing results of recent researches and outlining future aspects to be faced.

The section will also contain the first results of the BE S2ECURe project - “(make) Built Environment Safer in Slow and Emergency Conditions through behavioUral assessed/designed Resilient solutions”, which investigates such aspects. This will allow a comparison of different national and international approaches to the themes of the session.

Main deadlines are:

• Submission of papers: 10 February 2020 1 May 2020

• Notification of Acceptance: 24 February 2020 15 May 2020

• Final Camera-Ready Publication File Upload, Author/Early registration: 13 March 2020 01 June 2020

Due to the current COVID-19 emergency situation, the SEB-20 will be presented as a virtual conference. Revised information on the conference (including registration prices for the virtual conference) will be soon uploaded on the conference website.


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(make) Built Environment Safer

in Slow and Emergency Conditions

through behavioUral assessed/designed Resilient solutions

MIUR Grant number: 2017LR75XK

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